Preserving freedom
Originally published January 7, 2021 It has been a while since I’ve written a post in my blog, but today I must speak out. I am shocked and appalled by what happened yesterday. I have never been a fan of President Trump but never imagined that a person whom the people of America chose to be our leader would ever incite the kind of violence that played out yesterday by a mob of his angry supporters. I am also shocked at how easy it appeared for them to breach the security of our nation’s capitol. Those scenes that I saw on TV felt surreal, and it was difficult to believe…
Social distancing
Originally published June 28, 2020 As I live through one of history’s major pandemics, it gives me pause to consider the implications and ramifications on our society. I think about all the lives lost and the economic suffering, and it makes me sad that so many people are struggling so badly. I am thankful that my own family has been spared so far, but I worry every time my dad goes to work in the hospital. The next wave of Covid in Colorado might be just around the corner. As someone with autism, social distancing does not feel like a crisis to me, so I guess I have a hard time understanding…
Covid and quarantines
Originally published March 23, 2020, on Jepsonfiles.com Hi everyone. I just want to check in so everyone knows that I’m still here and still writing. I am actually working on writing a novel right now. That is kind of consuming my mental energy, but I am having fun doing it. The Corona virus has truly been a disruptive force for all of us. I am very thankful that my family can be together during this crisis. I am concerned for my dad because he works on the front line in the emergency department. He is treating sick people that have it. I hope that Father in Heaven spares him and our family but also realize that throughout…
May flowers
Originally posted May 5, 2019, on Jepsonfiles.com I am super excited for spring. I love the feeling of sunshine. Just being outside does wonders for my feelings of anxiety and depression. Cool nights and fresh air are what I love most about living in Colorado. May is one of my favorite months of the year. I love to see new buds on our trees and the rolling hills turning green. It is time to get out there and enjoy the beauty of the nature that God has given to us. Be thankful for such beauty. Aaron.
My mom and me
Originally published December 1, 2018, on Jepsonfiles.com Today is my mom’s birthday. Birthdays are not her favorite day because it just means she is getting older. But I want to use this day to give a tribute to my mom whom I love and respect more than anyone in the world. My mom is the most unselfish person that I know. She always sacrifices her own needs first and makes sure that everyone else in our family is happy before she thinks about herself. The most amazing quality that my mom has is how she make me feel better when I am having a bad day. She has a sensitive…
Winter is coming
Originally published October 2, 2018, on Jepsonfiles.com I am looking forward to winter this year. It is beautiful here when it snows, and I actually enjoy the colder temperatures. I love how snow makes everything seem fresh and clean. And I’m excited to take some trips up to Grand Lake and go cross country skiing. I tried it last year and really enjoyed it. I am trying to do new things and to also stay in good shape, and cross-country skiing is great exercise. I think I could get good at it if I work at it. Downhill skiing is fun but I’m having a hard time learning how to…
Just catching up
Originally published August 19, 2018, on Jepsonfiles.com It has been a long time since I wrote in my blog but I haven’t been idle. Since my last post, I have written a book about my journey of faith as a disabled person. I’m hopeful that since I kind of felt inspired to write it that Heavenly Father will open a door for it to be published. I’m glad to be done with that project and to have accomplished that goal. Now I am just going to focus on writing in the blog and trying to improve in various other ways. My dad and I are getting ready to run another…
A new year’s resolution
Originally published January 6, 2018, on Jepsonfiles.com It is 2018 and I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. First is to begin my service mission. It has been slower than I expected to get started but hopefully it will happen soon. That is my biggest goal for the year. But as part of that, I want to get better at writing and speaking so that I can gain more independence. I really would love to eventually live in my own place but I know that I have a long way to go to get to that point so I need to really focus on it…
The newest Jepson
Originally published November 10, 2017, on Jepsonfiles.com This week, my family got a new addition. He is a really cute puppy that we have named Jack. He is part Australian Shepherd and part poodle. It’s called an Aussiedoodle. Every dog is a doodle these days, it seems. We are just another doodle family. But, our doodle is the best! I really love it. It follows me everywhere I go and I’m excited for when it’s a little bigger and can go running with me. That is why we decided on this particular breed because they are bred for herding cows and sheep and are really athletic. And the poodle is…
Moving bites
Originally published June 11, 2016, on Jepsonfiles.com This week our family moved to a townhouse. We are building a new house in a very nice area that is right near the mountain where there are mountain bike trails galore, right out our front door. I can’t wait to get over there but, in the meantime, the house that we were living in is being sold and we had to find an interim situation for our family. We decided to move into a townhouse that is closer to town and school and everything. It is an okay place, but it is really small compared to what we were in before and…