Seven stories about Christmas
Originally published December 4, 2019, on
Hi everyone. Thank you to those of you who are watching my YouTube channel. I will make another video soon but today I wanted to write something longer. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love the warmth of a Christmas tree and the lights that are decorating rooftops. I love the Christmas music and even the bustle of shoppers. I love the cold weather and the snow on the ground and the frosted pines that are so abundant where we live. But the thing that I am the happiest about is that everyone is a little bit kinder, a little bit happier, and a little bit more Christlike this time of year. Christ was born in the humblest of circumstances. He was only recognized by a few shepherds and three wise men who traveled from afar. His earthly father and his blessed virgin mother knew of his divinity but not of the suffering that he would be asked to endure for all of us. And, his Heavenly Father, fully aware of his future, shown a light on him that night. Angels rejoiced and sang glad tidings of joy. We all rejoiced as well because we knew that our Savior had been born and that because of him, we will all be spiritually reborn.
As we go about our holiday business, can you look for stories of acts that inspire you and make you feel the Savior’s love? I challenge you to look for seven stories this year. I think that there are so many out there that it should not be difficult. I would love to hear about your favorite. Please send them to me by email ( or messaging me on Facebook. I love to hear about the good things that happen in the world. Aaron