Movie Madness
Originally published February 16, 2020, on Jepsonfiles.com
In my mind, there are always competing interests. Like yesterday, my mind wanted to go to a movie. But I am also training for a marathon and needed to do a training run. I couldn’t convince myself that running would be better. This led to me getting internally frustrated which developed into external agitation and a mini-tantrum. My dad and mom calmed me down but then made me type out why I was mad. All I could get out was that I didn’t want to go to the gym. I wanted to go to a movie. My dad said that he was originally intending to do both. But, by then, I was already convinced that I didn’t want to run. So, my dad ran by himself on the treadmill in our house. By the time he was done, it was time for dinner. There wasn’t time for me to change my mind. But we were still going to see the movie, so it was worth it. After dinner, we got in the truck and headed toward the theater. Unfortunately, there was a huge traffic jam that we got stuck in. We missed the movie that we had already bought tickets for and were stuck long enough that we missed the other showings too. So, we turned around and came home. So, not only did I miss out on running but also the movie. Life is like that sometimes, I think. When you convince yourself that you need something that you really don’t need, you lose perspective, and your mind can get all messed up about it. I could have done both things that I wanted but because I had trouble being patient, I lost out on my chance for that day. It’s a good reminder to me that I need to communicate better and not just get angry. My dad was willing to let me go to the movie but made me wait to calm down and for him to exercise. I am thankful for the lesson. Aaron.