Finding Christ in nature #4
My thought for this week was once again inspired by a beautiful hike that we did in Rocky Mountain National Forest last week. On the hike, we came across this old barn in the middle of a beautiful meadow with the snow-capped mountains in the background. We didn’t see another human on the entire several-hour hike, and it felt like how it must have been for the homesteaders who built that barn. I think I would have thrived in that world.
When I am away from “civilization,” I feel the spirit all around me. I think that is why I like the mountains so much. I have a running commentary in my head at all times, and it gets much louder when it has to compete with other noises. So, in the peace and tranquility of the mountains, my brain calms down, and I can find my true self. This reminds me of how Christ can speak to us best when we tune out the distractions of the world. That barn has weathered many extreme storms and though it shows some of the effects of that, it is still standing and still symbolizes to me a better world.