My bookstore dream: check!
Hello everyone. It has been a while since I have written a new blog post. Don’t worry, I’m still writing! I’ve just been working on other things including the sequel to my novel, I Never Get Lost in the Woods. This week, we went to our local bookstore, Covered Treasures Bookstore and met the owner, Tommie Plank. Someone from my church had requested previously that she buy some copies of my book and so we wanted to go check it out. It was really fun to walk in there and find a book that I wrote on the shelf.
A nice man was in there shopping and when he heard that I was the author, he immediately bought the last copy and asked me to sign it. That was cool and it checked off a goal of mine that I made several years ago: to see my name on the spine of a book in a bookstore.
It’s just a reminder to myself and hopefully you too that setting goals that seem a bit out of reach helps you push yourself to new heights. Unfortunately, today, we forgot to get a picture of me with my book in the store before the customer left so I didn’t get to document the occasion, but it sounds like we might get to do a book signing there so I’ll have another chance.
Cheers to a new year and new dreams!

Don Jepson
I love that I have a signed copy. And I love that you set such high goals.
Cami Dixon
Aaron, I love this! What a great reminder to keep focus on our dreams. Congratulations! There will be many more bookstores for you!
Brian McSweeney
Hip Hip Hooray!!!- So happy for you Aaron. May your book find its way to bookstores everywhere and libraries too!